Intelligence and Strategy in Life Sciences - Avenir Light
Intelligence and Strategy in Life Sciences - Brandon Grotesque
Intelligence and Strategy in Life Sciences - Helvetica Light
Intelligence and Strategy in Life Sciences - Lucida Sanc Unicode
Intelligence and Strategy in Life Sciences - Signika
Intelligence and Strategy in Life Sciences - Verdana
WILLWATER is an independent consulting boutique in international Life Sciences.
We join our clients when stakeholders from outside their organisation or from outside their function are crucial to explore and advance complex, contentious topics. External stakeholders can be opinion leaders in medicine on an an international or national level. Stakeholders from others functions can be, for example, from medical affairs when the topic is of commercial nature.
We join our clients exploring and advancing complex, contentious topics when other stakeholders are needed to successfully do so.
We join our clients when complex, contentious topics need to be explored and driven forward
together with different stakeholders. That can be external stakeholders, such as opinion leaders in medicine on an international or national level. Or internal stakeholders when when
Especially together with external stakeholders, such as opinion leaders in medicine on an international or national level.
The WILLWATER people are noted for this kind of mission as they provide a special combination of three assets:
Content certainty in the relevant scientific field(s), e.g. in a specific therapeutic area
Process certainty in moderating mult-stakeholder discussions of comlex matters with assertive participants
a keen eye on all dimensions and vested interests relevant for the topic (e.g. not only clinical, but also economic and organisational)
Chances are that you have heart about us from a colleague who worked with us. Let's check if your topic, situation is also such that a contact to us could be worth your time.