WILLWATER Advisoryboard
An Advisoryboard with opinion leaders in medicine means an important stage for our clients. Here is what makes the performance great:
The advisors consider the topic relevant and engage in a peer-to-peer discussion illuminating all important features of your product and data - creating a constructive occupation with your topic of unrivalled depth.
This in turn leads to you getting the intelligence aimed at: Your exploratory goals are reached - taking into account not only medical, but also those economic and organisational aspects of your product relevant to its users.
All participating internal functions are aligned during and after the board.
The discussion outcomes are translated into strategic options.
To achieve this 'on stage' it is key to speak the advisors' 'language' and pinpoint differences of opinion and therapeutic uncertainty. WILLWATER men/women are capable of this as they do not only master discussions with participants of high seniority, but also master the content:
trial programs and outcomes,
practised therapeutic approaches, decision-making, and therapeutic uncertainty,
treatment algorithms and guidelines,
reimbursement and organisational procedures that impact on patient management,
health-technology assessment topics.
Regarding the internal participants it is key not only to understand the goals of the project owners, but also what colleagues from other functions have at stake in the advisory board. We keep that in mind with a keen eye for the logics of action and processes within organisations.
Contact us for a confidential and free briefing & proposal. We will set you up with the appropriate WILLWATER men/women for your topic / market. Contact.